Things to know about your participation in the PPSA & IRW

General Panel Information

Collegial Conversation: The PPSA puts collegial conversation and fresh research at the forefront our conference experience.

No Discussants: We do not have paper discussants. Instead, we turn that time over to the audience and panelists allowing a more robust question and answer time as well as a freer-flowing discussion among all attendees.

Equipment Provided: Each conference room is equipped with a video screen with built-in audio, and a HDMI cable to connect to screen. Free WiFi provided by the Banff Centre is available in each room.

Equipment You Must Bring: You must bring your own laptop and HDMI adapter if you wish to use the video screen with your presentation.

Equipment Unavailable: There is no built in provision for videoconferencing in the conference rooms.

Time Available: Each PPSA session is 90 minutes and all but the last session are followed by free 30-minute nutri-break, lunch, or dinner.

Presenter Information

Paper: With the emphasis on collegial conversation and no discussants, presenters are not required to have a paper to distribute to co-panelists or chair beforehand (although presenters are free to do so).

Presentation: To facilitate collegial conversation, we emphasize polished, accessible presentations—no matter whether the research being presented is in its tentative stages or involves dotting the last ‘i’s and crossing the ‘t’s. An accompanying slide deck is not required.

Length: To give enough time for question and answer and conversation among the panelists and audience, it is important that panelists keep their presentations within the following limits:

**Number of Papers on the PanelMax. Time Per Paper PresentationApprox. Time for Q & A and Conversation**
512 min30 min
415 min30 min
318 min30 min
2~20 min30 min

The structure of the roundtables will be determined by the roundtable convenor or chair.

Chair Responsibilities

Introductions: Chairs are responsible for introducing each of the panelists

Order of the Presentations: Chairs will determine the order of the presentations in consultation with the panelists.

Keeping Session on Time: Chairs will keep the panel running on time by keeping the presentations within their time limits (see table above).

Moderate the Discussion: Chairs will gently moderate the Q&A and conversation to ensure that everyone has a chance to speak.

Conclude the Panel: Chairs will end the panel when the time is up, asking the audience to join them in thanking the panelists, and reminding the panel of the next event (e.g., lunch, dinner, PPSA business meeting).